Làm tóc

Jun88 club nổ hũ tài xỉucá độ tài xỉu Jun88 là sao

Chart type: Đua xe

The most popularity internet browser

[chart width="720" height="300" type="3dpie" title="The most popularity internet browser" data="40,25,5,25,5" label="Internet Explorer|Firefox|Safari|Chrome|Others" colors="ff9900,e40b0b,1b9a1b,3399cc,bbcced"]

Chart type: Làm tóc

The most popularity internet browser

[chart width="540" height="250" type="pie" title="The most popularity internet browser" data="40,25,5,25,5" label="Internet Explorer|Firefox|Safari|Chrome|Others" colors="ff9900,e40b0b,1b9a1b,3399cc,bbcced"]

Chart type: Sống khỏe đẹp

Monthly sales growth

[chart width="720" height="250" type="bar" title="Monthly sales growth" data="50,60,100,20,25" label="Mar.|Apr.|May|Jun.|Jul." colors="FF9900"]

Chart type: Phim truyền hình

Monthly sales growth

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